Machinery and equipment, concrete floors, all painted surfaces, porcelain, fixtures, bathtubs etc., steel, tile, wood, aluminum and its alloys, conductor pipes, and milk equipment, bus and truck bodies, automobiles, copper and its alloys, including brass, cooking utensils, pots, pans, bottles, dishes, crockery, and glass.
Steam Gun Operations: Suitable for oil based paint stripping, degreasing, washing.
Rotary Head Operation: Use to clean tanks, vats, kettles or stills for oils (mineral or vegetable) and for synthetic, alkyd and non-alkyd varnishes and paints.
To Avoid Etching on Aluminum: Do not exceed 6 ozs. per gallon
Recommended Dilution: 3 to 4 ozs. TASC POWDER per 5 gallons of water. Increase strength as needed. FOR BEST RESULTS, USE HOT WATER.
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